Community Engaged Research Council (C-CERC)
The mission of the Providence/Boston CFAR Community Engaged Research Council (C-CERC) is to foster and maintain partnerships and open communication between the populations we serve, community-based organizations, and the Rhode Island and Massachusetts Departments of Health. The goal of the C-CERC is to enhance HIV education, prevention, treatment, and research activities that adequately respond to the interests and needs of our community members, particularly women, individuals struggling with substance addiction, individuals with histories of incarcration, people living with HIV and comorbid conditions, and men who have sex with men. Membership of the Providence/Boston CFAR Community Engaged Research Council reflects the populations it serves.
Areas of Interest
- Women
- Alcohol/Substance users
- Corrections
- Adolescents
- Co-infections
Application Development:
- Brainstorm research ideas
- Application refinement in relation to participants
- Development of survey items
- Provide input on specific points to consider in relation to study participation
- Letters of support from Community Based Organizations
Funded Projects:
- Troubleshoot research barriers
- Participant liaison – connecting researchers with study participants
- Help with recruitment
- Promote partnership with community based organizations
- Data dissemination
IRB Review:
- Development of recruitment flyers
- Consent form Language
- Provide the voice of the participant
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Providence/Boston CFAR Community Engaged Research Council, please complete the online application. If selected to be a member of the C-CERC the following involvement is expected:
- Meetings will be held every other month and will rotate between the Boston and Providence campuses. (All transportation/parking costs will be reimbursed to members.)
- Organize and attend community events;
- Promote community linkages between CFAR and people affected by HIV;
- Review research protocols– provide input on targeted requests for proposals in areas of focus for CFAR Developmental grant program; may be selected to review applications
- Attend initial and annual trainings/workshops for CFAR CERC members;
- Advocate for HIV/AIDS interests on a local basis (in collaboration with state departments of health – RI and MA)
Current CFAR-CERC Members
- Paul Goulet, Chair - Community Engagement Consultant
- Raynald Joseph, co-Chair - AIDS Care Ocean State
- Helene Bednarsh - HIVDENT
- Thomas Bertrand - RI DOH
- Barry Callis - MADPH
- Maia Gottlieb - Grayken Center for Addiction
- Rob Quinn - OpenlyPOZ
- Brenna McLaughlin - Boston Medical Center
- Laura Fletcher - Boston Medical Center
- Vanessa Carson-Sasso - New England AETC
- Kaylyn Givler - C-CERC Administrative/Programmatic Contact
Ad-hoc members (expertise):
- Samantha Johnson - BMC Project TRUST- (substance use, homelessness-MA)
- Sarah Kimball - Immigrant & Refugee Health Center (immigrants and refugees)
- William Mann - AIDS Care Ocean State- (homelessness-RI)
If you are interested in becoming a member, visit our online application.