Sophia Bartels
Sophia Bartels is a postdoctoral fellow and implementation scientist at the Center for Health Optimization and Implementation Research (CHOIR) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Bartels have over 7 years of experience evaluating the implementation of evidence-based mental health, substance use disorder, and HIV interventions and testing strategies to scale them up in healthcare settings both domestically and internationally. Her work includes using mixed methods to assess sustainment of evidence-based interventions and to test the effectiveness of novel implementation strategies, including clinical champions, facilitation, and strategy tailoring, with a focus on improving outcomes for individuals experiencing homelessness and with criminal justice involvement. She also has experience with implementation strategy modification tracking, implementation mapping, and use of innovative community engagement methods, including the Delphi method and co-design.
Bartels, S. M., Nguyen, M. X., Nguyen, T. T., Sibley, A. L., Dang, H. L. T., Nong, H. T. T., Nguyen, N. T. K., Tran, H. V., Sripaipan, T., Powell, B. J., Barrington, C., Reyes, L. M., Latkin, C. A., Giang, L. M., Phan, H. T. T., Miller, W. C., & Go, V. F. (2025). Sustainment and adaptation of systems navigation and psychosocial counseling across HIV testing clinics in Vietnam: A qualitative assessment. Implementation Research and Practice, 6. https://doi.org/10.1177/26334895251319812
Bartels, S. M., Phan, H. T. T., Hutton, H. E., Nhan, D. T., Sripaipan, T., Chen, J. S., Rossi, S. L., Ferguson, O., Nong, H. T. T., Nguyen, N. T. K., Giang, L. M., Bui, H. T. M., Chander, G., Sohn, H., Kim, S., Tran, H. V., Nguyen, M. X., Powell, B. J., Pence, B. W., Miller, W. C., … Go, V. F. (2024). Scaling up a brief alcohol intervention to prevent HIV infection in Vietnam: a cluster randomized, implementation trial. Implementation science : IS, 19(1), 40. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-024-01368-6
Bartels, S. M., Hai Hoang, V. T., Le, G. M., Trang, N. T., Van Dyk, Q. F., Sripaipan, T., Klyn, L. L., Hoffman, I. F., Maman, S., Miller, W. C., Go, V. F., & Huong, L. T. (2024, 2024/05/07). Innovations for Building Implementation Science Capacity among Researchers and Policymakers: The Depth and Diffusion Model. Global Implementation Research and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43477-024-00121-x
Nguyen, M.X., Bartels, S.M., Akiba, C.F. et al. Tracking modifications to implementation strategies: a case study from SNaP - a hybrid type III randomized controlled trial to scale up integrated systems navigation and psychosocial counseling for PWID with HIV in Vietnam. BMC Med Res Methodol 24, 249 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-024-02367-3