In celebration of World AIDS Day, the Providence/Boston CFAR sponsored a World AIDS Day Symposium on December 1, 2016 at Boston University/Boston Medical Center. David Coleman, MD, Chair of the Boston University School of Medicine welcomed participants to the event. Presentations from current and past CFAR developmental awardees began the day which provided an opportunity for attendees to hear about some of the new research being done in the area of HIV/AIDS by our investigators. Susan Cu-Uvin, the Director of the Providence/Boston CFAR, provided information to attendees on what the CFAR can do for you and your HIV research and there were two separate networking sessions that brought together HIV/AIDS researchers with similar interests with the ultimate goal of developing new collaborations and hearing about current research being done by our investigators. The afternoon session began with a welcome from Sandro Galea, the Dean of the Boston University School of Public Health and a keynote presentation by Sydney Rosen of the Boston University School of Public Health (Using health economics to strengthen South Africa's antional HIV program: Boston University's experience), followed by presentations on HIV and HCV by Drs. Sabrina Assoumou and Abby Rudolph of Boston University and Lynn E. Taylor of Brown University.
Providence/Boston Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)